One evening in late 2008 while watching TV, some green hills flashed across the screen.

In that moment, my life changed forever.

our place:

a home, a safe space.

a solid foundation on which one can build their life and pursue their dreams.

After my first trip to Uganda I returned to Australia determined to do what I could to create a better tomorrow for the incredible children and families I had met.

At 22, I founded a non-profit organisation foundations.(au) and together with a team of committed volunteers and local staff, set out on a mission to create a world where children were safe, healthy, loved and educated.

Central to that mission was establishing our place - a safe space for orphaned and at risk children in South West Uganda to call home.

“Start where you are.

Do what you can.

Use what you have.”

Ashe Arthur

Look Cool For School!

Along with our work at our place, foundations.(au) partnered with local health and education providers to support children living in their communities through school sponsorship and local initiatives.

One of our most successful campaigns was Look Cool For School.

The cost of a school uniform was often out of reach for families and therefore became a barrier for children to be able to attend school. Over the years, with the help of generous supporters from all around the world, foundations.(au) was able to provide 1000 primary school students with a school uniform and remote primary schools with much needed school supplies.

Check out this video to from one of our Look Cool For School campaigns!

It’s time to celebrate!

In 2025, Michael will from graduate University.

When Michael moved into our place in 2010 he was 10 years old and was repeating year four. He was a curious, dedicated student and despite the challenges he faced as a young person he has remained committed to his educated and is a young man, driven to succeed.

We are so excited to share that in 2025 Michael will graduate from University in Uganda and begin his work in the medical field, combing his love of science and helping people.

He will be the first child from our place to graduate University!

Keep those celebrations going…

Because siblings Sarah and Fred are finishing high-school!

When Sarah and Fred (pictured left) came to live at our place in 2010 they weren’t attending school and both faced significant health challenges. When the team met Sarah, aged 4, she was dying from malaria.

Through the generosity of the amazing foundations.(au) sponsors, Sarah and Fred completed primary school and begun high school, as healthy and happy children. Once the non-profit officially closed the commitment to the children in our care didn’t stop, and so this year Fred will complete his final year of high school and Sarah will graduate high-school next year!

Abandoned as a baby.

Found by a local police officer.

Handed to Rosie at the hospital.

Caleb was the youngest child to live at our place, finding his way to us at just a few months old.

He took his first steps and said his first words at our place. Caleb busted out the best dance moves, can kick a football like the best of them and his smile lit up every room!

Though he faced significant challenge in his early life, Caleb is now just a couple of years off completing primary school. He is still supported by Rosie and cared for in Uganda by the extended our place family.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world.

In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead